Murphy’s Law states that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. It apparently describes lives as bikers, too.
For example, forgetting to renew our riding license or the bike’s road tax, leaving the lights on, forgetting to buckle the helmet and many more.
Here are five situations that will drive us mad.
The sequence of gearing up for a ride is pretty much ingrained in all of us – which goes on first, second, third, last. Or do we?
It goes like this:
- Walk outside.
- Start the engine.
- Put on jacket and zip up.
- Gloves on.
- Forgot that the helmet is still on the seat.
- Mutter a few tsk, tsk.
- Remove gloves.
- Put helmet on.
- Gloves on.
- Forgot the earplugs.
- Now swearing a few cuss words.
- Gloves off.
- Helmet off.
- Earplugs in.
- Helmet on.
- Gloves on.
- Ride away like the red lights went out at the MotoGP starting line.
And you wonder why you are stressed out even though you ride.
What’s that flapping noise?
What a relief to get going after all that gearing up. Some airflow would definitely help in cooling you down.
But.. wait a minute, what’s that flapping sound? Aaaargh! It is the helmet’s chinstrap.
We have all done it so you are not alone, if that makes you feel better.
Earplugs are essential when you ride. But they always seem to have minds of their own. You have pushed them as deep and as secure as you could into the ear canal, then pulled on your helmet.
A kilometer up the road and one will start too ooze (yes, that is the feeling) its way out, leaving you with wind noise that is louder in one ear. Trying to stick it back in without removing the helmet is an exercise in futility, as the entire plug will pop all the way out!
You stopped at the petrol for some fuel and hydration. With everything done, you geared back up and felt that a visit to the toilet was unnecessary. In fact, you wait for a minute or two after gearing up to make very certain that you did not need to.
Suddenly the bladder and possibly the stomach decide that you do have to – NOW!
The sun had been shining when you left home, so you stored the rain suit in the top case. What a wonderful day to ride! You tell yourself.
Suddenly you spot heavy rain up ahead. You decide to stop and pull on the rain suit because you do not like getting all soggy.
Rain boots, pants and finally the jacket. By now you are sweating like a marathon runner. You get back on the bike and off you go to greet the rain with glee. Bring it on!
Only thing is, the rain clouds seem to outrun you and move further and further ahead. And all this while, your rain suit flaps in the wind like a parachute while other motorists think you are a parachutist who missed his drop point, nevermind you are now sweating by the buckets.
So, you stop and remove the rain suit.
A few minutes later, a rainstorm comes out of nowhere and blasts you with a sheet of water.